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Insight & Guidance
 Psychic & Astrology Readings
Over 30 years' professional experience
Appearing in The Hobart magazine
I offer insightful psychic readings in Hobart Tasmania. I have over 30 years professional experience giving guidance and insight to people in need. I also offer in-person Astrology readings.
I offer one hour psychic readings and one hour astrology readings. I also offer 'The Works' which is a 2 hour intensive reading comprising both psychic and astrology and two astrology reports of your choice. You can book online or call me on 0434634092 pay in person at the time of appointment – EFTPOS available.
Find out more about my face-to-face readings or book an appointment with me.
(Monday through Saturday)
Priced from $140
I offer accurate email psychic and astrology readings giving insight and guidance to empower and support you. Over 30 years' experience helping people make positive choices, heal, be strong and lead happier, more fulfilling lives.
Each reading individually written (no AI or scripts) using the same process as a face to face reading.
1 Question, 3 Question and 5 Question Email Psychic Readings available.
Four different types of Email Astrology Readings available.
Convenient and private, book online 24/7 and receive your email psychic or astrology reading direct to your inbox
(weekdays only - weekend bookings will be sent on Monday).
Priced from $50
Zoom & Phone
For those people who want a psychic or astrology reading with me but who live outside Hobart, I offer Phone and zoom psychic and astrology readings. Book and pay securely online and when your appointment time arrives, enjoy a reading in the privacy of your home or office.
30 minute and 1 hour psychic readings
1 hour astrology reading, includes a Personal Astrology Report.
‘The Works’ combined Astrology and psychic reading, plus two Astrology Reports in the 2-hour Premium reading
Please click the button below for more information or to book and pay
(Monday to Saturday)
Priced from $85
I’d love to invite you to my online Member’s Community.
​Completely free, when you subscribe through the button below you will immediately receive a 20-page e-book 5 Ways to Develop Your Intuition, a relaxation audio and a link for the online Facebook Group. From then on you will receive my monthly Newsletter – exclusive to members only, plus my monthly psychic reading and weekly horoscopes straight to your inbox –
never miss one again!
​I’d love to meet you Sara xx
Hi I’m Sara – a Hobart based psychic and astrologer. I have over 30 years’ experience giving accurate and informative readings in person, and via phone, zoom and email. Through my psychic and astrology readings I have helped countless people find peace, clarity and a positive way forward through the ups and downs of love, money, family and career – anything that life can send you.
I am well known for my accuracy and psychic ability and have had a long career writing horoscopes and psychic advice columns for many newspapers and magazines including Good Medicine, Elle, Take 5 and Grazia, and making radio and television appearances since 1993. Now I am the astrologer for the Hobart Magazine in addition to various media bits here and there. You can find out more about me at About Sara
You can order my face to face, email, phone and zoom psychic and astrology readings through this website, you can also join my Member's Community and Facebook page. You will receive a daily dose of inspiration, weekly tarot reading and horoscope and a whole lot more. If you have questions about my readings and how my psychic and astrology readings work, please go to my Frequently Asked Questions for more information or contact me sara@stargold.com.au ​
Whether you are feeling stuck, overwhelmed and in need of guidance, or if you just want to find out more about astrology, psychic spirituality and living well, I am here to help you
Love and Best Wishes
Sara xx

"Sara is very talented and very special using her gifts. I will definitely be listening to her again in future, and will recommend her to others. Its amazing how we can use modern technology with spiritual connections. I never believed in it, but now Sara has made me see it is possible."
Sharon, via email

About Sara
Hi I’m Sara – a psychic and astrologer from Hobart, Australia.
I have 30 years’ experience giving accurate and informative psychic and astrology readings for clients around the world; and also writing horoscopes, psychic advice and features for many magazines, newspapers, television, radio and online through this website and my Facebook group. I currently write the horoscope for The Hobart Magazine each month.
I grew up in a family where astrology, myths, herbal healing and all things a bit ‘out there’ were a part of normal life. My mother was very psychic and her family were all healers in one way or another. I started reading tarot cards when I was only 13. I practiced hard and read a lot of books and turned professional when I was 22, starting with readings at the famous Salamanca Market. Within a few months I had regular clientele, some of whom still have readings with me today. In my early 20's I started studying with the Federation of Australian Astrologers, quickly becoming proficient in that all absorbing and wonderful art/science.
I spent 20 years writing horoscopes and psychic advice for magazines such as Grazia and Take 5 and various newspapers and other media. At the same time I wrote for theater and the Arts and was lucky enough to have three shows produced and performed. Now my creative efforts go into renovating my lovely little home and all the furniture and goodies that fill it – a lot less stressful!
I am fortunate to have been blessed with abilities and insight which I have developed and refined over many years. I’m happiest using these gifts to help guide people through difficult times and find the best way forward on their unique spiritual and life path. I have a deep, long standing passion for helping women become empowered – free to live abundant lives filled with health, love and happiness – as we all deserve!
​Apart from my psychic work I am an avid gardener and try to grow all my own fruit, herbs and vegetables, bake bread, make preserves and love being a bit of a domestic goddess. I live at the end of the earth in Hobart, Tasmania and lead a quiet and simple, peaceful life with my wonderful husband/soulmate of 25 years (and three grumpy chickens). I love to work tucked away in my reading room in contact with amazing and interesting people from all over the world who have readings with me. It is a happy and fulfilling life and I feel very lucky and grateful.
"Today we received our second excellent reading with Sara. She is very knowledgeable, extremely intuitive and wonderfully clear with her readings. We can highly recommend Sara and will be returning again. Thank you Sara."
"She was spot on with me! What she wrote to me has helped me more than she will ever know."
Jessie (via Facebook)
Astrology Reports
My Astrology Reports are 20+ page booklets which give insight into the unique astrological influences in different areas of your life. No two are the same, each is calculated individually for your date, time and place of birth.
You can explore your own chart with the Personal Astrology Report, your love and relationships with the Relationship and Love Nature Reports, your money luck with the Money Report, or learn more about the special child in your life with the Starchild Report.
Your report will be emailed to your inbox within 24 hours.
These are available through email directly to your inbox for AUD$40. Just fill in the form below with your details (and those of your partner if a Relationship Report) and submit
I like to share knowledge and interesting tips I have learned over the years with readers, so I have put together some little pdf guides for you to enjoy. They are all are completely free – just click on each link to download.
Astrology of Love Insight into what each star sign needs and wants from relationships. Includes best matches.
Love & Money Magic A simple guide to the basics of love and money magic. Includes safety info, Moon phases and some easy spells and tips for attracting and keeping love and money.
Spiritual Energy of the Days A guide detailing the spiritual and magical qualities of each day of the week.
Numerology of Money Insight into each Numerology Number and their attitudes and luck with money. Includes instructions for calculating your own Personal Numerology Number.

Frequently Asked Questions
​Many people are curious about psychic readings and have thought about getting one but are too nervous or don’t know what to expect, so they put it off or decide not to get one. Here is a list of questions people often ask me about my readings – but don’t forget you can always send me an email sara@stargold.com.au if you want to know more.
My life is in crisis, can a psychic reading help me?
Many people come for readings when they are in crisis, at a crossroads or are just very confused and upset by the changes in their lives. A reading can help you to see the way forward, understand why the crisis is happening and how to get the best outcome and growth from the experience. Often what has seemed like the end of the world can be an opportunity for positive growth and change. Although sometimes just getting the answers to what is driving you mad and keeping you awake worrying can often be a great relief.
Will you tell me I’m going to die or other bad things?
It is very bad ethics to tell someone they are going to die – it is totally against the rules to predict anyone’s death unless it has already been professionally diagnosed by a medical specialist – like with terminal illnesses etc. If anyone predicts death for you in a reading they should be avoided in future as they are not playing by the rules (and are nearly always wrong).
Sometimes problems and negative things will come up in a reading, but there will always be a solution given and a way to work through them. I will never tell someone something bad and leave it at that – I will always help them to find the best way forwards.
How is a psychic reading with a psychic or astrologer different to reading my horoscope?
A horoscope in a magazine is very general and only focuses on one planet – the Sun. I have written horoscopes since 1993 and they can be very good for general guidance – but if you really want something that is focused only on you and what you want to know about, a reading will give you much more information and guidance than you will ever get in a horoscope. The personal touch – either in person or through technology like email, gives me the ability to tune into the client as an individual, making the guidance much clearer and unique to them.
Can a psychic reading really help with relationship problems?
Love and relationships are why most people come for readings. A psychic reading can help you to find out how to get through your problems, whether you should stay or leave or who you are supposed to be with. A reading can give you the clarity you need for your present relationship, resolve issues from past loves and/or find out how you are going to meet you next love and what they will be like.
​How do I pay for my psychic reading? Is it secure?
My email and online Zoom and phone psychic readings are payable by PayPal or via Stripe on my website, my face-to-face readings in Hobart are payable by cash or EFTPOS when you have your reading. When you pay online you will send you a receipt of your payment and order and I will send a confirmation email when your payment is accepted. PayPal and Stripe are secure and encrypted so your details are safe and will not be shared with anyone (including me).
More Testimonials
What People Say About My Readings
Sara is ‘the real deal’. Her readings are accurate and insightful and her constructive advice is always extremely valuable. Sara’s readings have even saved me from making some big mistakes.
Sara is very talented and very special using her gifts. I will definitely be listening to her again in future, and will recommend her to others. Its amazing how we can use modern technology with spiritual connections. I never believed in it, but now Sara has made me see it is possible.
Sharon, via email
I found Sara to be insightful, easy to understand, having a realistic view of life and it’s curve balls, but also compassionate, positive, and offering valuable advice.
Thank you for the reading Sara. Spot on what you said about my past and coming up. I’ve taken on board what you’ve said to me and take that with me to the future. Will go ahead with next year’s adventure. Sara is a lovely person, highly recommended for a reading
Scarily accurate, everything Sara said to me about myself, daughter and family read true. Totally recommend people having a reading of their own. Thankyou Sara
Everything she told me happened! Thanks Sara! I love my new job!
To verify these testimonials, please go to my Facebook page