Welcome to my psychic reading for the coming month of November 2020. This reading is a general guide to this month’s energies and how to best use them, through the medium of a five card Tarot reading.
To do this I shuffle and spread the Tarot cards and place them in positions relating to the four elements of Earth. Water, Air and Fire, plus a fifth card representing the spiritual essence of the month. Then using my intuition, knowledge and psychic abilities I interpret what these cards mean and give you the reading below.

Card 1. Earth: Money, work and career, security and stability, physical health, property and houses
Page of Cups
The Pages often bring messages and this card shows that there may be good news coming to you about your finances or career this month. Don’t be childish about money or security as the temptation to be irresponsible and splurge on something may be strong. Do your research if thinking about investing, this is not a good time to make important financial decisions based on trust, hunches or feelings.
Card 2. Water: Emotions, relationships, friendships, family and homelife, moods and intuition
Ace of Wands
This is a very passionate card and shows that your emotions, love affairs and relationships will be very high energy and all consuming this month. New beginnings and fresh starts are likely in your emotional and romantic world, especially if you are single and looking for love. Emotionally you should be feeling quite optimistic and full of energy and enthusiasm for the future, especially if you have recently fallen in love.
Card 3. Air: Mind, thoughts, communication, stress and anxiety, messages and documents
Eight of Cups
This card represents moving on and leaving something behind you that is not really right for you, so you may be making a decision to leave behind a phase of your life, or someone in it, that is not working out or has proved to be a disappointment. A time of solitude and being able to think clearly without interruption or interference from others is a positive way to find the mental clarity and make wise decisions this month.
Card 4. Fire: Spirituality, positive energy, creativity, psychic insights, inspiration and action.
Seven of Swords
Spiritually the Seven of Swords is a reminder that there is a lot of misinformation and deception out in the world and that you need to make sure that you are on the right path for your spiritual growth and are not being led astray from what you should be doing. Your Higher Self knows what is right for you – so get in tune with your inner wisdom and use your intuition to see if you are truly heading in the right direction.
Card 5. Essence: The overall spiritual energy and message for this month
Eight of Wands
This is a card of excitement, action and movement. Things are going to be moving quickly at some levels, even if it is just in the world around you changing fast. Taking care of business and setting off on a new path where more adventure and interesting times lie ahead. Nothing is slow with this card so expect changes and opportunities that come quickly and then disappear. Make the most of what comes your way and be ready for new and exciting energies.
I hope you find this psychic reading useful. If you would like to explore further or have your questions answered through a private email psychic or astrology reading with me please go to www.stargold.com.au for more information or to book and pay.
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