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The Year Ahead 2024

2024 Horoscope The Year Ahead

Find out what the stars have in store for you in 2024.

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AriesThe New Moon eclipse in April will bring a positive new beginning for many Aries, with new cycles of life and love emerging. Your career sector will become a lot less pressured at around this time, with retirement or a new career likely for some. Your subconscious is highlighted with the most spiritual and insightful energies this year – just be careful to avoid taking on too much responsibility for others.

Love There are two eclipses affecting your relationship zone this year – one on 25 March and the other on 3 October. These eclipses may bring new relationships to some, while for others a major change to long term loves may bring about some confusion or stress. Focus on the good stuff.

Money The first half of 2024 is a better time for money than the second, so use the early abundance to save up for the leaner times later. Late April to late May is showing to be the financial highlights.


Taurus A big cycle of intensity and transformation is heading into your career zone in late January bringing opportunities for promotions and business growth. Jupiter, the planet of good luck, growth and abundance is travelling through your sign until late May. The opportunity to pursue your dreams or a long-desired passion – especially if it is related to travel, learning or abundance.

Love A quieter year for many Taurus people, although those in long term relationships will need to be flexible and allow for growth as freedom loving Uranus is still around. September to October are good for couples while August is the best time for singles to find love.   

Money Good luck and growth energies enter your financial zone in late May, bringing extra money, but also encouraging extravagance and generosity you may not be able to afford.


Gemini Jupiter, the planet of good luck, growth and abundance is travelling through your sign from May through to the end of the year. This is the first time in almost twelve years, making this one of your luckiest years ever. The opportunity to pursue your dreams or a long-desired passion – especially if it is related to travel, learning or abundance. Your career may  reach a new height if you have been working hard toward your goals.

Love Your good energy vibe from Jupiter is likely to help you to attract a new love if you are single and also help you to rise above irritations if you are coupled up. Romantically, October and November are wonderful for couples, while singles have eclipses in March and October to boost their love luck.

Money June through to July are the best times for you attracting the money you need, while November to early December are likely to bring you the best luck when applying for loans etc.


Cancer Pluto leaves your relationship zone in January bringing peace and calm to your dealings with others. Although some of your friendships are going to bring new energy into your life and perhaps open new doors for you. Your subconscious zone is highlighted by  Jupiter’s growth energy after May, so going within or developing your intuition will be very positive for you.

Love For some Cancerians, this year could see a passionate awakening of your intimate life – whether you are in a relationship or not. Relationships which have become stale or passionless will either move out of your life, or alternatively you can re-ignite the spark between you which brings an emotional and intimate rebirth to you both.

Money Pluto entering your zone of loans, inheritances and shared money means that you should be very careful about what you take on and with who. For some this will see the big change you have hoped for.


Leo Throughout this year and next you will have a better idea about where you are going and what you want to do with your life. You will be ready to take on challenges and commitments as there will be the strong desire to get ahead and make it. There will be a lot of hard work, but you will be glad for it. For the next couple of years, you will reap what you sow, so make sure you only plant positive energies in your life.  

Love Intense and transformative Pluto moves into your relationship zone in January, which is likely to bring about deep inner changes to your closest partnerships. Beware of jealousy and power games as these will poison your love. October and November are the best times for singles.

Money You may have been learning some valuable if difficult lessons about money and power in recent times. Financial stress can teach how to be wise in future, while others may experience a dramatic change for the better.



Virgo This is a wonderful year for you to work towards your dreams and hopes for the future and reach out to old friends and new groups to enhance your life and bring happiness. Good luck planet Jupiter spending most of the year in your career zone will assist those who either own their own business or who are looking to climb the career ladder – just avoid taking on too much for your peace of mind.

Love Dreamy and spiritual Neptune and serious Saturn are in your relationship zone all year. The only bad side to this is that you will be more open to being confused by love and you may have to decide  whether to commit fully and give it everything, or to cut your losses and walk away.

Money Your personal finances are looking fine, especially in September, but you need to be careful with shared money and debts – don’t take on anyone else’s financial problems no matter how much you love them.


Libra There are two eclipses in your sign this year – the first on 25 March and the second on 3 October. These provide a power punch to your life and self and also provide some major new beginnings and the chance for fresh starts. Your daily life is hard work, but if you do the right thing you will reap the rewards later on. Children are a source of great pleasure and also stress throughout the year.

Love 9 April brings an eclipse in your relationship zone which could see new loves enter your life or perhaps an old love leave. For couples April is the best time for rekindling romance, while singles will have the best luck in February and December. Pluto in the romance zone makes flings very intense.

Money For some this will be a lucky year which brings a life changing sum of money, but for most Librans September is the time where your money matters are looking the best. Avoid debt if you can.


Scorpio Pluto is moving into your zone of home and family and also of beginnings and endings in January, which may mean that you will be relocating -perhaps overseas – or there will be major changes to your family unit – some good some of it more difficult. A lot of the sudden changes to your plans and ideas will come from others and their needs, but make sure you don’t compromise too heavily.

Love The effects of unpredictable and freedom loving Uranus on your love life this year may be unsettling, but also a source of insight for you. For those who feel stifled and restricted by their romantic commitments, this will have to change so you can be yourself.

Money Your zone of shared money and investments is looking good, so you can expect some unearned money this year – be that a bigger tax refund, inheritance or perhaps sharing  the good luck of others.


Sagittarius You have serious, Karmic Saturn in your zone of beginnings and endings, which means that you are likely to bring something or a stage of your life to an end and start again in a new and better way in 2024. Your good luck is likely to come through other people this year – so don’t go it alone or try to be too independent – friends, family and loved ones are all there to help.

Love The arrival of good luck and abundance Jupiter in your relationship zone in May is going to bring a lot of growth to your closest partnerships. You may find that you can be more philosophical and not sweat the small stuff so much with other’s faults and shortcomings.

Money A lot of pressure and intensity around money is likely to ease off this year – so enjoy the peace. Best times for savings are June and July and for personal money in November. Be cautious about deals.


Capricorn Since 2008 you have had intense and transformative Pluto moving through your sign and this January that comes to an end – allowing you to relax and have a quieter and less dramatic year. Children and young people are going to be a happy, if unexpected, delight for some – especially if you are hoping to become a parent or grandparent. Daily life will be rewarding and happy.

Love As a lot of the intense Pluto energy will be out of your personality and life after late January, you are going to be a lot easier for your loved ones to live with. Jealousy and insecurity should be easier to manage. The best times for couples are June and July and for singles May and June.

Money Pluto entering your money zone for a stay of over 20 years is a sign that your finances are likely going to change dramatically. Be structured and organised in your budgets and bills.


Aquarius Intense and transformative Pluto enters your sign in January and will stay there for over 20  years. Aquarians are the sign doing the most transformation to themselves and their lives and undergoing deep and meaningful rebirth and letting go all year. Just don’t hang on to what you have outgrown. Lucky and abundant Jupiter will move into your zone of good fortune so you may strike it big.

Love A great second half of the year for singles as Jupiter is going to give your love life a real boost – the only trouble is you may find it hard to settle on just one person! For couples things will be quieter, with July and early August the best times to connect and be romantic. Singles favour June.

Money This is a pretty bad year for lending or borrowing money – and you would be best advised sticking with very conventional and safe investments rather than anything which is risky or unclear.


Pisces Serious, Karmic Saturn is in your sign all year, giving you the opportunity to become organised, and practical in any area of your life which is chaotic. Used wisely, Saturn can bring structure, stability, and strong foundations. The flip side is that the consequences of the past will catch up and be hard to get out of. Dreamy and spiritual Neptune helps you to tap into your intuition and spirituality.

Love This should be a quieter and low drama year for you romantically and in your relationships. A wonderful time for settling in and really focusing on the day-to-day routine together and how that feels for you both. Best times for couples is August and for singles June through to July.

Money Two eclipses in your financial zone on 25 March and 3 October are likely to bring about turning points in your financial life. Windfalls and unexpected bills are equally likely. Investments are favourable.


I hope you enjoy this  horoscope. If you would like a psychic or astrology reading, I offer accurate email psychic and astrology readings which give insight and guidance to empower and support you. I have over 30 years' experience helping people make positive choices, heal, be strong and lead happier, more fulfilling lives. Please go to for more information or to book and pay

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