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Aries Loving Venus enters your intimacy zone on Monday, deepening relationships and bringing positive changes. Communication planet Mercury in your work sector trines Uranus on Tuesday, sparking fresh ideas for your daily routine. On Thursday, Mercury moves to enhance balance in relationships.
Taurus Romantic Venus enters your partnership zone on Monday, intensifying romantic and business relationships. Mercury trines Uranus on Tuesday, bringing creative solutions in your personal life, just be careful of misunderstandings midweek. Thursday starts a new phase of improving health habits.
Gemini Venus in your wellness zone on Monday brings a boost of positive energy for health and self-care. Expect the unexpected – especially family news - on Tuesday. On Thursday, communication and mind planet Mercury moves ahead and boosts creativity and self-expression, encouraging you to embrace your passions.
Cancer Venus enters your creativity and romance zone on Monday, heightening passion and artistic expression – or just having fun! Mercury trines innovative Uranus on Tuesday, offering fresh perspectives in communication and how you think about old issues. From Thursday, the focus is on having a peaceful home and family life.
Leo Loving Venus enters your home zone on Monday, encouraging deeper family connections and just feeling good about each other. Neptune may blur boundaries about loans and shared money – be careful. Thursday brings better communication and mental clarity to your daily life and dealing with people.
Virgo Positive and loving Venus enters your communication zone on Monday, making it a good time for meaningful conversations and calm talks about tricky subjects. Mercury trines Uranus on Tuesday, bringing breakthroughs in relationships. Thursday brings new ideas about dealing with finances.
Libra Venus moves into your money zone on Monday, bringing positive energy and opportunities around your finances for another month or so. Mercury boosts your mind and organisation powers on Tuesday, enhancing your working life. Start thinking differently about your self-worth and values.
Scorpio With Venus entering your sign on Monday, your charisma and charm are boosted and looking good! Neptune’s opposition midweek may blur romantic clarity so stick with facts. On Thursday, Mercury’s shift into your subconscious zone encourages inner growth, emotional healing and deeper insights.
Sagittarius Loving Venus enters your subconscious zone on Monday, encouraging reflection on past relationships and personal healing. Mercury trines Uranus on Tuesday, offering solutions to health and work routines. On Thursday, Mercury’s move into Libra enhances friendships and social networks.
Capricorn Loving and affectionate Venus enters your friendship zone on Monday, bringing harmony and good vibes to your social life. Mercury trines Uranus on Tuesday, enhancing creativity in your communication. On Thursday, Mercury’s move into Libra sharpens your career focus and long-term goals.
Aquarius Venus enters your career sector on Monday, bringing positive energy and good working relationships in professional matters. Mercury trines Uranus in your home zone on Tuesday, bringing fresh insights to domestic life. Neptune’s confusing influence midweek may cause financial uncertainty.
Pisces Chatty Mercury trines Uranus on Tuesday, sparking innovative ideas and new ways of communication. Midweek, Neptune in your sign may blur personal boundaries with others. On Thursday, Mercury’s move into Libra focuses on intimacy and shared resources, encouraging deep emotional connections.
I hope you find enjoy this week’s horoscope insightful. If you would like a psychic or astrology reading, I offer accurate email psychic and astrology readings which give insight and guidance to empower and support you. I have over 30 years' experience helping people make positive choices, heal, be strong and lead happier, more fulfilling lives. Please go to for more information or to book and pay
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