Find out what the stars have in store for you this week.
If you would like a private email psychic or astrology reading with me, please go to https://www.stargold.com.au/email-psychic-readings. For those people who want a ‘face to face’ reading with me I offer zoom online psychic and astrology readings. For more information or to book and pay please go to www.stargold.com.au/online-psychic-astrology-readings
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Venus in your intimacy zone and Mars in Cancer bring passion to your relationships, making it a great week for emotional bonding. Tuesday’s Mercury-Jupiter trine sparks exciting conversations about future goals. On Sunday, as Mercury moves into Scorpio, deeper and more intimate talks flow effortlessly.
Venus energizes your partnerships this week, while Mars in Cancer helps you express feelings with ease. Tuesday brings good fortune with work or health discussions. When Mercury enters Scorpio on Sunday, expect meaningful conversations that help you uncover hidden emotions and connect more deeply.
With Jupiter going direct in your sign midweek, your personal growth gets a major boost! Venus and Mars align to bring fun and passion into creative projects. On Tuesday, the Mercury-Jupiter trine sparks inspiring talks. As Mercury enters Scorpio on Sunday, your focus shifts to inner reflection and secrets.
Mars in your sign boosts your energy this week, especially in your home life, while Venus in Scorpio enhances romantic connections. Tuesday’s trines bring lucky moments in communication. On Sunday, with Mercury moves signs, so expect revealing discussions that deepen your understanding of family or close friends.
Venus and Mars boost your creativity and expressing yourself in daily life this week, while Tuesday’s Mercury-Jupiter trine brings exciting opportunities for learning or travel. On Sunday, Mercury moves into Scorpio shifting the focus to deeper conversations around home and emotional matters.
Venus in Scorpio improves your communication, while Mars in Cancer helps you to express your emotions more clearly this week. Tuesday’s Mercury-Jupiter trine brings luck in financial matters. On Sunday, as Mercury expect to have insightful, meaningful talks about personal values and shared resources.
The Venus-Mars trine boosts your relationships, making emotional expression feel natural this week. On Tuesday, Mercury and Jupiter spark inspiring conversations around finances. Jupiter moving direct midweek helps bring clarity. On Sunday Mercury brings discussions around money or possessions.
Venus in your sign makes you magnetic and able to attract what you want, while Mars in Cancer smooths over emotional interactions. Tuesday’s Mercury-Jupiter trine brings good fortune in daily routines. As Mercury moves into Scorpio on Sunday, expect to have some profound ideas and new thoughts.
Venus in Scorpio encourages you to take some time out for rest and reflection, while Mars in Cancer softens your approach to sensitive issues. Tuesday’s Mercury-Jupiter trine sparks growth in communication. Mercury’s shift on Sunday brings deep conversations about spirituality and personal beliefs.
The Venus-Mars trine highlights friendships, making teamwork and collaborations flow smoothly this week. Tuesday’s Mercury-Jupiter trine brings a lucky moment in long-term planning. On Sunday, as Mercury enters Scorpio, expect deeper, more insightful conversations with friends or within group dynamics.
Venus in Scorpio boosts your career prospects this week, while Mars in Cancer helps balance your emotions at work. Tuesday’s Mercury-Jupiter trine brings lucky breaks in creative projects and new ideas. On Sunday, Mercury enters Scorpio, so expect transformative talks about your career and public image.
Venus and Mars harmonize this week, encouraging adventure and new perspectives. Tuesday’s Mercury-Jupiter trine sparks exciting discussions around travel or learning. Jupiter going direct midweek brings clarity in family matters. On Sunday, your conversations take on a more reflective and deep tone.
I hope you find enjoy this week’s horoscope insightful. If you would like a psychic or astrology reading, I offer accurate email psychic and astrology readings which give insight and guidance to empower and support you. I have over 30 years' experience helping people make positive choices, heal, be strong and lead happier, more fulfilling lives. Please go to www.stargold.com.au for more information or to book and pay
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