Find out what the stars have in store for you this week.
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Aries A good week for you financially especially if you are looking for a loan or investment opportunity. You have beautiful Venus attracting good fortune in your financial zone and the Full Moon means you receive good money luck through your partner and/or their family’s investments.
Taurus The Full Moon on Tuesday in your passion zone may fire up your love life, while shared money and investments could be abundant. Venus, the planet of love is in your sign at the moment – so make the most of it by putting some romance back into your life and/or relationship.
Gemini The Full Moon in your relationship zone on Tuesday may bring a problem which has been simmering under the surface to a head. Once the initial drama is done with you will both be able to move forwards and heal. Mercury moving into your sign means communication will improve.
Cancer Your day-to-day life and routine may undergo some changes this week as the Full Moon on Tuesday brings a major boost of energy to your working zone. Mercury goes into your subconscious zone on Monday and may cause you to worry too much about hidden fears.
Leo The Full Moon on Tuesday in your romance and creativity zone could bring a new romantic interest into your life, or perhaps a friend or acquaintance will introduce you to someone new when you least expect it. A great week for getting out and about and meeting new people.
Virgo This isn’t the best time for you to push ahead and force issues. Instead use this down time to rest and relax, but also to plan your long-term future. Take the time to really appreciate everything that you have, and you may find that you actually don’t need as much as you thought.
Libra You may be feeling a bit more serious and reflective this week and won’t feel as much like being around people as usual. This is just a passing phase and necessary for you to recharge your batteries. The Full Moon in your communication zone makes Tuesday a great time for talking.
Scorpio Your Finances are under great stars this week, with the Full Moon occurring in your financial zone and the Sun shining in your investment and shared finances zone. So, all in all this is a good week for making money, paying off loans and getting the money you need for something big.
Sagittarius The Full Moon in your sign on Tuesday will allow you to break free from the past problems and reap the rewards of the positive things that have happened. You may find that communication with others becomes more flowing and easier when Mercury moves into Gemini on Monday.
Capricorn You may have some unsettling or predictive dreams this week, as your subconscious tries to tell you something. The Full Moon on Tuesday may bring some enlightenment to this issue and more. Your social life is under some very happy stars at the moment so enjoy the fun times.
Aquarius This is an action-packed week with lots going on for you personally and in your relationships with others – especially friends. This is a great time for thinking positively about the future with a bit more optimism, also for making practical plans to make them happen.
Pisces The Full Moon on Tuesday brings good energy to your career zone this week and this may bring a new job or at least recognition and praise for your efforts. Your home and family zone has many positive energies this week, although you may be wise to wait for proof about something.
I hope you find enjoy this week’s horoscope insightful. If you would like a psychic or astrology reading, I offer accurate email psychic and astrology readings which give insight and guidance to empower and support you. I have over 30 years' experience helping people make positive choices, heal, be strong and lead happier, more fulfilling lives. Please go to for more information or to book and pay
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