Find out what the stars have in store for you this week. If you would like a private email psychic or astrology reading with me, please go to https://www.stargold.com.au/email-psychic-readings. For those people who want a ‘face to face’ reading with me I offer zoom online psychic and astrology readings. For more information or to book and pay please go to www.stargold.com.au/online-psychic-astrology-readings
For Hobart women I am also available for face-to-face psychic or astrology readings in Hobart. Please go to www.stargold.com.au/readings-in-hobart
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Aries You receive some good news about money and/or long-term security this week which will make you feel happy and more relaxed. It may be easier for you to sleep and unwind after Thursday when the planets give your mind and senses a break from nervous energy and stress.
Taurus Mercury enters your sign on Thursday – bringing a boost to your communication skills and joining Venus, Jupiter, and the Sun in there too. A big week with lots of powerful and mostly positive energy, so make the most of your opportunities by pushing forward on something important.
Gemini This is a bad week for telling anyone a secret that you need keeping as there may be some loose talk you really don’t want. It is showing that anything in your life that is not honest and above board could be found out with some explosive consequences. While others may experience interesting dreams.
Cancer Keep your eyes on the big picture and don’t sweat the small stuff as big plans and big ideas are what is going to make you feel good this week. Focusing on minor details and petty problems – especially in your relationship – is only going to spoil the good energy. Money is looking favourable.
Leo You could be feeling restless with your working life this week. Some Leos will feel the urge to throw it all in and move to the country and escape the daily grind, but this is just a passing phase so don’t hand in your resignation yet! Keep an eye on your receipts as there may be an overcharge.
Virgo Communication planet Mercury enters your career zone on Thursday making this a great week for writing job applications and getting your CV up to speed. If you are happy where you currently work, this is a good time to share your ideas with superiors or breeze through a performance review.
Libra This week brings the opportunity to make serious plans about your future investments and wealth. Superannuation, property or just a savings account are all good options, although make sure that your relationship is rock solid before thinking about investing in a shared venture.
Scorpio Slow and steady wins the race for you this week. Don’t rush into situations or run off at the mouth – what is said can’t be unsaid and you may want to change your mind later. Stability is the best choice right now, so go for the practical solution rather than what you hope and wish things could be.
Sagittarius This week and most of your relationships will be much easier if you can listen to what others are saying to you instead of rushing to stick to your guns and being stubborn. Compromise and negotiation will create a lasting solution, even if you have to let go of some of your old ideas.
Capricorn The best advice for this week is to just stay true to yourself and keep your mind on your own plans and needs. It seems that there is a lot of change around you at the moment tied up in other people and this really doesn’t suit your mood at all. Focus on the things you are able control.
Aquarius Being stubborn and sticking to an old idea caused by insecurity will cause you some stress around mid-week, but if you can overcome your fear and just listen without judgement – a new way of living and/or loving could open up. This is a great time for counselling and getting help.
Pisces This is a great week for all matters of the mind and communication. Making a rational decision about a longstanding situation will bring clarity and an end to confusion. Creating to-do lists will help you to keep track of the various errands and jobs that are likely to pile up over a busy week.
I hope you enjoy this week’s horoscope. If you would like a psychic or astrology reading, I offer accurate email psychic and astrology readings which give insight and guidance to empower and support you. I have over 30 years' experience helping people make positive choices, heal, be strong and lead happier, more fulfilling lives. Please go to www.stargold.com.au for more information or to book and pay
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