Find out what the stars have in store for you this week. If you would like a private email psychic or astrology reading with me, please go to my website www.stargold.com.au for more information or to book and pay. Over 30 years’ experience. I’d also love to invite you to my online Member’s Community – Completely free and no spam ever!
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Aries There may be some friction between your personal homelife and family commitments and your work – especially if you are in business for yourself or are hoping for a promotion. Once this passes you will be blessed with a very happy, positive time in your home with your family members.
Taurus Your home life and family are showing to be highlights of the coming month or so. You should be able to communicate well and help others to realise more productive ways of dealing with issues. With conflict situations, pick your battles and don’t take on someone who is already a problem.
Gemini Money troubles and increasing debt could cause a few worries, but if you behave sensibly, you should be able to get on top of things quickly. It is about changing habits and priorities more than anything. Later in the week positive influences will see you attract what you need most.
Cancer Loving Venus moves into your sign on Monday, bringing with her a sense of beauty and harmony as well as the desire for everyone to get along. Unfortunately, some problem contacts between your sign and your relationship zone early in the week may cause some intense moments and possible jealousy.
Leo Chatty Mercury and the radiant Sun are both entering your sign this week, bringing a boost of vitality and clear thinking for those who have felt confused or misunderstood lately. Worries about health or perhaps just bad dreams may cause problems early in the week but will soon pass.
Virgo Keep out of your friends’ dramas and jealousies this week as they may cause you more headaches than it is worth. Be supportive but don’t get involved. Your finances, especially investments and property are looking very positive so make the most of it by being careful and wise.
Libra This weekend looks extremely positive for love, harmony, and good feelings all round. You will be able to get your point of view across to someone important which will ease relations between you. Avoid office power dynamics and don’t take work home at the end of the day, including emotionally.
Scorpio Watch how you speak to others this week as you may come across as a bully and bring out defensive reactions in people – this is particularly true if you have tricky in-laws. Your career is highlighted for the next month so make the most of your opportunities if you want to make progress.
Sagittarius Now is a great time for sorting out your finances with the one you love. Open and honest communication plus being on the same page as far as goals and plans will help a lot. You may need to make some sacrifices in the short term but they will pay off big time long term.
Capricorn There may be some real conflict going on between you and others this week – especially if you unleash your inner crazy on Monday or Wednesday. Try to avoid being too forceful with others as you may lose something important. Venus in your relationship zone will brighten the mood before long.
Aquarius This week sees the beginning of a new month-long phase in your relationships and personal life. Good energy and the ability to communicate well are gifts for you to enjoy. Your health should be looking a lot better with the positive influence of Venus, especially if you exercise with friends.
Pisces There may be some family problems this week – especially involving children even if they are adults now. Counting to ten and keeping calm will help a lot and soon things will smooth over and become peaceful again. Venus in your luck and romance zone is likely to bring happiness.
I hope you find enjoy this week’s horoscope insightful. If you would like a psychic or astrology reading, I offer accurate email psychic and astrology readings which give insight and guidance to empower and support you. I have over 30 years' experience helping people make positive choices, heal, be strong and lead happier, more fulfilling lives. Please go to www.stargold.com.au for more information or to book and pay
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