Find out what the stars have in store for you this week.
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Aries Jupiter going retrograde in your sign on Friday could make an old issue come back to life, long after you thought it was dead and buried. There is no way to avoid it so just grit your teeth and sort it out. Taking a risk may pay off in a big way, especially if it is work-related, just don’t go too far.
Taurus Friday’s New Moon is falling in your zone of beginnings and endings making this a fantastic time for closing the door to one phase of life and opening the door to something fresh, stable, and likely to last. Your home and family are likely to play a big role in your life right now.
Gemini This week is all about friends, some of it good, some bad, but all of it a bit overwhelming. Some Geminis may meet a new friend who really changes their outlook. Just try to avoid conflict between your love and your friends as it could blow up much bigger than you imagine.
Cancer This is a good week for love and making commitments. You have Venus, planet of love in your sign and the mood is one of decisions – leading many to take a big step in love. Just don’t let a false dream about an old or unattainable love hold you back. Expect some good financial news.
Leo The New Moon in your sign on Friday makes this your personal New Year and the best time for you to look ahead, make changes and start anything new and fresh. How you present yourself to the world may change, possibly because you are feeling more confident and assertive.
Virgo Secrets and information that should be kept private may be an issue – especially if you are told something you really don’t want to know. The New Moon on Friday will put you in the mood for the weekend which is a great time for staying home, relaxing and peacefully meditating on life.
Libra This week is all about walking the walk after a few weeks of ideas and talking. Taking control of your bills and finances will take a big weight off your mind, especially if you are doing your tax at the same time. It may be easier for you to unwind after Tuesday when things calm down.
Scorpio Your career and public reputation are highlighted by the New Moon on Friday, making rewards, awards and recognition for your achievements and past work likely, whether you are in paid employment or not. A wonderful time for applying or starting new jobs or career paths.
Sagittarius Trying to please everyone else and putting your own needs last is a recipe for disaster this week. While compromise and give and take are a part of life, you should not compromise core values or what is really important to your life and happiness. Finding a middle ground is the best path.
Capricorn The New Moon on Friday hits off your investment and shared money zone, making this a great time for setting goals around savings and debt repayment for the next twelve months. Only borrow money you can easily afford to repay and try to save as much as possible for your peace of mind.
Aquarius The New Moon on Friday is falling in your relationship zone This is great for all new beginnings with other people especially loved ones, either a fresh start and leaving the past behind for established couples, or perhaps a completely new love will enter your life and open new doors.
Pisces Jupiter going retrograde in your financial zone on Friday could make you feel that you are going two steps back for every step forward that you take– especially where money is concerned. Trying a new approach to an old problem may bring the solution you have been looking for.
I hope you find enjoy this week’s horoscope insightful. If you would like a psychic or astrology reading, I offer accurate email psychic and astrology readings which give insight and guidance to empower and support you. I have over 30 years' experience helping people make positive choices, heal, be strong and lead happier, more fulfilling lives. Please go to for more information or to book and pay
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