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Aries A big week for talking and thinking – especially in work and business as chatty planet Mercury moves into your career zone and the Full Moon happens in your communication sector. A great time for really planning the next stage of life – especially if you feel like you have been drifting.
Taurus Monday’s Full Moon brings a big time for you financially. You may be reaching a goal or making a major purchase – especially if it is related to investments. You may also need to stand up for what you believe in with someone you care about who is heading on a negative or destructive path.
Gemini This Full Moon on Monday is in Gemini, making this an important phase for you at a personal level – especially around your self- image and confidence. Feeling love and acceptance for yourself will help you heal and grow, especially if you have been through some rough times recently.
Cancer A deeply spiritual time and one where your psychic and intuitive capabilities will be at their peak with Monday’s Full Moon. Retreating from the world and getting away from it all will appeal – even if it is just relaxing at home. Just try to avoid overthinking or worrying about the future.
Leo It is time to look beyond what is right in front of you and explore what your opportunities really are. You may be surprised by what is possible after all – especially if it means you can be true to yourself. Opportunities to get on top of your finances with structure and discipline will arrive.
Virgo You may receive the results of something important during this week – especially if it is related to your career or your family in some way. You will be successful in dealing with authorities and government departments, although you may need to count to ten and bite your lip along the way.
Libra This is a big week for you – but you will need to be careful about power struggles with difficult family members while also playing the peacemaker for everyone else. The Full Moon on Monday encourages you to think outside the box and try a new approach to an old lingering problem.
Scorpio Something may come to an end – possibly quite suddenly – this week and it will liberate you from problems that have been dragging on for some time. Happy new beginnings will follow on from this very naturally and you may feel like you are experiencing a new lease on life and happiness.
Sagittarius This Monday brings a very powerful Full Moon in your relationship zone. Relationships which have been difficult for some time may finally come to an end, while happy couples may move up to the next stage. Confusion from a Neptune aspect may cloud issues on Tuesday so be patient.
Capricorn Communication planet Mercury moves into your sign on Friday – which will give you the insight and mental power to know what you need to do next in your life or work. Talking things over with other people will be easier on the weekend. The Full Moon on Monday gives a boost to your working life.
Aquarius This Full Moon on Monday takes place in your luck and romance zone. While not all Aquarians will win the lottery, you can expect things to fall into place in a very positive way – especially if you are single. Not a good time for lending or borrowing money with friends or family.
Pisces A good week for making concrete steps – however small- towards something you really want and need. Spending time with friends may help you to get a more grounded perspective on something which has upset you – turns out it might not be that big a deal after all.
I hope you find enjoy this week’s horoscope insightful. If you would like a psychic or astrology reading, I offer accurate email psychic and astrology readings which give insight and guidance to empower and support you. I have over 30 years' experience helping people make positive choices, heal, be strong and lead happier, more fulfilling lives. Please go to for more information or to book and pay
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