Find out what the stars have in store for you this week.
If you would like a private email psychic or astrology reading with me, please go to https://www.stargold.com.au/email-psychic-readings. For those people who want a ‘face to face’ reading with me I offer zoom online psychic and astrology readings. For more information or to book and pay please go to www.stargold.com.au/online-psychic-astrology-readings
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Aries The New Moon and Eclipse happens in Aries on Tuesday, creating the best circumstances for making a fresh start and new beginning in any area of your life that needs an overhaul. Rest and conserve your energy as you may feel more tired and run down than usual.
Taurus Behind the scenes activity, secrets and other people’s problems may make you want to hide away from it all during Tuesday’s Eclipse and New Moon. Going within to find clarity on an issue is the best way forward as other people’s energies and demands could cloud your judgement.
Gemini This is a great week for looking towards the future and setting out ideas and plans for your new, best path forwards. The New Moon and Eclipse on Tuesday is highlighting your zone of friends and groups – a great excuse for catching up with people you haven’t seen for a while.
Cancer A fantastic week for those Cancer people looking for a new job, career, or business opportunity, as the New Moon and Eclipse spread’s magic in your career zone. There may be delays and you will need to keep your plans to yourself for a while until Mercury stops being retrograde.
Leo The best advice for you with this Tuesday’s New Moon and Eclipse is to keep an open mind and stay flexible and ready for new experiences. You may feel the old way of seeing the world doesn’t really work for you anymore – now is a really good time for expanding your horizons.
Virgo Intensity and transformation are the key to this New Moon and Eclipse for Virgo people. A fantastic time for letting go of anything that is holding you back or just doesn’t serve you any longer and accepting change. You may face some stubborn opposition from your loved ones.
Libra The New Moon and Eclipse on Tuesday will bring a fresh start and new beginning to all of your relationships with others and for some a new connection will start that stays with you for a long time. You may have to deal with someone’s stubborn refusal to co-operate at work.
Scorpio If you have been wanting to get rid of an old habit, mindset, or problem, then Tuesday’s New Moon and Eclipse will give you the push you need to let go of toxic rubbish and create a new healthy routine and lifestyle. You may be offered a new opportunity or side project at work.
Sagittarius Love is in the air and romance is all around you with this New Moon and Eclipse in your romance and luck zone. Leaving your everyday worries behind and focusing on who and what is good in life will bring joy – just remember to come back down to Earth when you are needed.
Capricorn Tuesday’s New Moon and Eclipse bring a big week for Capricorns as one phase or stage of your life comes to an end and a new, more positive, and abundant energy takes its place. Home and family are likely to be important too as you need a solid foundation to grow from right now.
Aquarius Your community and close neighbours are likely to be a focus for Tuesday’s New Moon and Eclipse. A great time for reaching out to others and finding common ground, it may open your mind to new ideas. An important message may arrive, but your finances could be a bit restricted.
Pisces Active and dynamic Mars in your sign is united with serious and heavy Saturn, making low energy days and feeling flat likely. A new beginning – most likely positive - will happen to your financial situation, mainly due to the New Moon and eclipse in your money and security zone.
I hope you enjoy this week’s horoscope. If you would like a psychic or astrology reading, I offer accurate email psychic and astrology readings which give insight and guidance to empower and support you. I have over 30 years' experience helping people make positive choices, heal, be strong and lead happier, more fulfilling lives. Please go to www.stargold.com.au for more information or to book and pay.
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