Find out what this month’s psychic reading has in store for you.
If you would like a private email psychic or astrology reading with me, please go to my website www.stargold.com.au for more information or to book and pay. For Hobart readers, I offer a limited number of face-to-face readings each week. Go to https://www.stargold.com.au/hobart-psychic-astrology-readings to book and pay.
While you are there you can sign up free to my mailing list and receive a welcome gift of a Relaxation audio and a 20-page e-book 5 Ways to Increase Your Intuition followed by weekly horoscopes, Moon Reports and psychic features direct to your inbox. All completely free to join and no spam ever! www.stargold.com.au
Psychic reading for September 2021
Welcome to my psychic reading for the coming month of September 2021. This reading is a general guide to this month’s energies and how to best use them, through the medium of a five card Tarot reading.
To do this I shuffle and spread the Tarot cards and place them in positions relating to the four elements of Earth. Water, Air and Fire, plus a fifth card representing the spiritual essence of the month. Then using my intuition, knowledge and psychic abilities I interpret what these cards mean and give you the reading below.
Card 1. Earth money | work and career | security and stability | physical health | property and houses
Three of Cups
A fantastic card for networking and making contacts in your work and career, it can also represent friendships you share with co-workers. One of the best cards for sharing and collaborating with others in anything you do. Wonderful for catching up with old friends and meeting people who are on your wavelength, it brings happiness and sharing with those who mean a lot to you.
Card 2. Water emotions | relationships | friendships | family and homelife | moods and intuition
The Empress
This is a wonderful card for motherhood, pregnancy, and all things womanly and fertile. Ruled by Venus, this card brings harmony, beauty, and pleasure, especially into your home, garden and family life. Great for expressing yourself creatively through art and craft, music, writing or really anything that lets you get your feelings out. An abundant card it makes you feel rich in what has heart and meaning for you.
Card 3. Air mind | thoughts | communication | stress and anxiety | messages and documents
Three of Wands
This is a wonderful card for making progress and looking ahead to better times. Excellent for anything which broadens your horizons and overcomes your current limits, especially fixing your mindset or thinking positively. A wonderful help in maintaining integrity and right action and thinking, you will be able to speak your mind easily and enjoy the rewards that come from asking for what you want.
Card 4. Fire spirituality | positive energy | creativity | psychic insights | inspiration and action.
Queen of Swords
Excellent for trusting your instincts and moving ahead, it is also great for having 'the talk' with anyone who is causing you stress or problems. This card can represent a strong woman in your life who is able to help you put things into perspective, or you doing the same for others. Excellent for writing, talking, and cutting away the outworn past and confusion, leaving you free to start something new.
Card 5. Essence the overall spiritual energy and message for this month
Seven of Pentacles
A wonderful card for being patient and waiting for events to unfold rather than trying to force an issue, as with this card you will get what you want - when the time is right. Fantastic for reaping the rewards of past effort and decisions. A great card for stepping back and assessing where you are and what you are doing, and perhaps making a few improvements or deciding on a change of direction.
I hope you find this psychic reading useful. If you would like to explore further or have your questions answered through a private email psychic or astrology reading with me, please go to www.stargold.com.au for more information or to book and pay. If you are in Hobart I offer a limited number of face-to-face readings each week https://www.stargold.com.au/hobart-psychic-astrology
While you are there you can sign up free to my mailing list and receive a welcome gift of a Relaxation audio and a 20-page e-book 5 Ways to Increase Your Intuition followed by weekly horoscopes, Moon Reports and more direct to your inbox. All completely free to join and no spam ever! www.stargold.com.au