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Your Weekly Stars 1 January 2023

Find out what the stars have in store for you this week. If you would like a private email psychic or astrology reading with me, please go to For those people who want a ‘face to face’ reading with me I offer zoom online psychic and astrology readings. For more information or to book and pay please go to

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Aries The Moon represents the home and your feelings and motherhood, and this Full Moon is in your zone of home and family making this a great time for being a domestic goddess, earth mother or to just enjoy your home. Friends and groups are highlighted with positive energy right now.

Taurus This week finding balance and harmony between the various aspects of your life – especially career and home – will be more important now. What you wanted in the past may not be right for you in future, so think carefully before making any commitments for the next month or so.

Gemini The Full Moon on Saturday will be a turning point in your financial matters and attitudes. Perhaps you will reach a crunch point where you have to change, or you will be inspired by your success to continue and grow. Your health may be suffering from too much stress and worry.

Cancer The Full Moon in your sign on Tuesday will bring your emotions and inner feelings to the surface and allow you to act on them more easily. Venus moves into your zone of shared money – meaning that you may experience luck and good fortune through your partner or loved ones.

Leo Loving and romantic Venus moves into your relationship zone on Tuesday, bringing about a new cycle in your love life and feelings. The Full Moon in your subconscious zone may help to bring inspiration and insight where an old problem is concerned – you will be able to see a new way through.

Virgo The Full Moon on Saturday will highlight your place in your community and finding like-minded people to share your interests with. For some there will be news of pay-rises and more money, especially as a result of career promotion and/or the increased profits from a business.

Libra Something you have been hoping and waiting for will happen this week, throwing most of your plans out of the window. Big changes are about to happen, which will be exciting if you are ready for new adventures. Best advice is to stay flexible and be ready to make the most of your opportunities.

Scorpio Make this New Year count by taking control of your health and lifestyle. Joining a gym, having alcohol-free days, and eating healthily will give you the energy boost you crave – not to mention a body that makes you feel good about yourself. Not the best week for money matters.

Sagittarius Not the best time for lending money to other people as it is better to keep money separate from emotions for a month or two. You may be feeling a bit stretched financially but will soon be able to get things back under control again. Romance and friendship are highlighted.

Capricorn This is likely to be a positive week and start to 2023 for Capricorns. Money should begin to free up and look a bit healthier now that some extra expenses are over for now. The Full Moon in your relationship zone will bring a boost of emotions and flowing feelings between you and your love.

Aquarius Love and romance planet Venus moves into your sign on Tuesday, bringing a sense of harmony and enjoyment in life and your relationships. The Full Moon on Saturday will create the opportunity to examine some of your bad habits and put an end to them once and for all and be free.

Pisces A great time for teamwork with friends and groups. You may find that a new friend opens the door to romance for you – even though you may want to keep this secret for the time being. Money should begin to flow easily for you – just remember to hang on to some for a rainy day.

I hope you find enjoy this week’s horoscope insightful. If you would like a psychic or astrology reading, I offer accurate email psychic and astrology readings which give insight and guidance to empower and support you. I have over 30 years' experience helping people make positive choices, heal, be strong and lead happier, more fulfilling lives. Please go to for more information or to book and pay

I would also like to invite you to join my Member’s Community. When you sign up you will receive a link to my private community online group and a welcome bundle comprising a 20-page e-book with tips to enhance your psychic potential and a relaxation audio immediately. From then on you will receive weekly horoscopes, monthly psychic articles, and my exclusive Members Community Newsletter direct to your inbox. Completely free and no spam. Go to

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