Find out what the stars have in store for you this week. If you would like a private email psychic or astrology reading with me, please go to https://www.stargold.com.au/email-psychic-readings. For those people who want a ‘face to face’ reading with me I offer zoom online psychic and astrology readings. For more information or to book and pay please go to www.stargold.com.au/online-psychic-astrology-readings
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Aries Christmas day followed by the Full Moon in your home zone on Wednesday should bring a lot of energy and emotional feelings, especially around family and the home. This is a good time for really letting the people you love know how much they mean to you. This may involve saying sorry for a silly mistake.
Taurus The week starts of really well with lots of happy and positive feelings but may run into stressful complications later. Stay flexible and open to change and always have a plan B on hand just in case. Christmas will be happy if a bit different to how you had planned, so let go and enjoy the day.
Gemini Looking towards the future and making plans for your financial wellbeing is a good way to use the planetary energies of this week. Even if the spending blitz of Christmas has you feeling a bit short you can still make plans. Small changes you make now will add up to a better outcome in future.
Cancer This is a big week for Cancer people as the Full Moon on Wednesday is in your sign, creating energy and a chance to make a fresh start in any area of your life you feel has grown stale. Home and family are highlighted with positive energy – especially if you are travelling home for Christmas.
Leo A long simmering attraction may start to heat up into something more substantial this week. A first date, or just time alone together, may be the start of a new romance – or perhaps a secret affair. Work and money matters are looking up at the moment, so use office Christmas parties to network.
Virgo Even if you are doing the family thing on Christmas day, the rest of the time will be best spent with your family of friends. If you are younger, remember to look out for your friends when out partying, as it seems that one of them could run into trouble if left to take care of themselves.
Libra Even if you are on leave from work, your stars for business, career and public standing are booming this week. A fantastic time for making plans for new projects or a new job, while for some you may receive a lot of praise for your efforts making Christmas happy for everyone you love.
Scorpio A good week for money as Venus moves into your financial zone on Saturday – giving you a more prosperous start to 2024. Christmas Day is likely to be pleasant and happy for you this year – just don’t overdo the drink as you may become more affected than you anticipate or want.
Sagittarius Life could feel like a juggling act at times this week, as you feel torn between the people you care about and your responsibilities at work and for other people. Things are going to be hectic until after Christmas, so try to pace yourself and learn to say no to non-essentials. Have fun planning to get away.
Capricorn Venus moves into your zone of secrets and intuition on Saturday – which on top of the Full Moon in your relationship zone on Wednesday and all the excitement and work of Christmas – could make your closest relationships a bit stressed and you possibly even vulnerable to illicit attention.
Aquarius You may be feeling stuck or prevented from ending or starting something this week, which may make you feel quite rebellious and not in the mood for lectures. Christmas Day will be much mor enjoyable with news and good times with those from far away and a happy time at home.
Pisces There may be some tension between your partner and others and your responsibilities to your family and home – especially if you are hosting Christmas this year. It may feel as though they are being a bit flaky when you really need back up. Christmas day is looking happy and rewarding in the end.
I hope you enjoy this week’s horoscope. If you would like a psychic or astrology reading, I offer accurate email psychic and astrology readings which give insight and guidance to empower and support you. I have over 30 years' experience helping people make positive choices, heal, be strong and lead happier, more fulfilling lives. Please go to www.stargold.com.au for more information or to book and pay
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