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Your Weekly Stars 29 August 2022

Find out what the stars have in store for you this week. If you would like a private email psychic or astrology reading with me, please go to

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Aries This is a week of big ideas, hopes and plans for most Aries as Jupiter the good luck growth planet moves through your sign. However, it is wise for you to listen to the wise perspective of those close to you as you are likely to go a bit ‘over the top’ with your current planetary energies.

Taurus Unstable ruler of the unexpected, Uranus is in your sign still creating change and opportunity when you least expect it. Financially there may be some extra activity or stress due to unexpected bills coming in, but some good fortune coming to you from behind the scenes will help.

Gemini Active and energetic Mars is in your sign bringing lots of motivation and ambition. Put it to good use by finishing off your to-do list or finally having a good clear out at home. A great time for spending time with friends and with groups as this has particularly happy energies for you right now.

Cancer You have really positive planetary energies for your money and financial zone this week, helping you to attract the abundance you need and want. You may have trouble sleeping as restless thoughts and going over things endlessly keep you awake, going to bed earlier and unwinding may help.

Leo Your career zone is filled with active energy and the motivation to really get ahead this week, so now is a good time for putting in applications or speaking with superiors about your future career path. Venus in your sign attracts love and harmony into your life as well as a bit more cash.

Virgo The Sun is shining on your sign this week, bringing a glow of positive energy and the chance to stand out from the crowd in some way. Romantic moments are likely as dreamy and romantic Neptune impacts your relationship zone, just be careful of deception from others.

Libra This is a week for clear thinking and talking things through with the people around you – especially at work. You may need to be the voice of common sense and practicality when faced with an enthusiastic but unrealistic idea from someone you love. Be kind – they are trying to help.

Scorpio For some single Scorpios this week may see an attraction to a co-worker – or even superior – develop into something a bit more substantial. Be careful and think ahead before you make any big moves in any direction as things are likely to be messy and not go as planned.

Sagittarius The important people in your life may be feeling a bit irritable and out of sorts this week and may look to you to make it better for them. Maintaining boundaries when people push you too far is important for your peace of mind and health overall, so learn how to say no for your own good.

Capricorn Intense and transformative Pluto is nearing the end of its long journey through your sing, giving you the opportunity to go back and finish off anything which is hanging over you from the past or which is holding you back in some way. Letting go is especially powerful at this time.

Aquarius Serious and practical Saturn is still moving through your sign this week, helping to bring order and functionality to areas of your life which have been neglected and messy recently. Venus in your relationship zone will bring happy times and lots of love to those in relationships.

Pisces This is a very positive time for you financially although you would be wise to listen to the advice of experts when deciding what to do with extra money. Dreamy and spiritual Neptune in your sign can bring you increased insight and intuition when dealing with long term issues.

I hope you find enjoy this week’s horoscope insightful. If you would like a psychic or astrology reading, I offer accurate email psychic and astrology readings which give insight and guidance to empower and support you. I have over 30 years' experience helping people make positive choices, heal, be strong and lead happier, more fulfilling lives. Please go to for more information or to book and pay

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