Find out what the stars have in store for you this week. If you would like a private email psychic or astrology reading with me, please go to https://www.stargold.com.au/email-psychic-readings. For those people who want a ‘face to face’ reading with me I offer zoom online psychic and astrology readings. For more information or to book and pay please go to www.stargold.com.au/online-psychic-astrology-readings
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Aries You will succeed in overcoming a difficult situation this week, which will make you feel pretty proud of yourself and relieved to have found a solution. You will have a lot of paperwork to process at work, but it seems that you will get into the flow of things and meet the deadline anyway.
Taurus This is a good time for following your own star or destiny and sticking with what you know in your heart to be right. If others criticise you - just be kind and patient as they will understand when they see how happy you are going to become. Your family life will be positive and nurturing.
Gemini Active and energetic Mars in your sign begins to move forwards again this week, allowing you to move ahead and make progress after being in a low-energy slump for a while. Positive contacts with love planet Venus will brighten all of your relationships with friends, family, and partners
Cancer Luck is definitely on your side this week, giving you an opportunity to rise above the crowd and be noticed in a very positive way. Trust issues could cause some friction romantically on Sunday, but will soon be sorted out if you can communicate kindly and calmly about it.
Leo A friendship which has become a bit battered over time is likely to become important to you again. Establishing a new and better relationship with this person will bring good things into your life, so work to restore the bond. Take a break from the home and work routine and get away.
Virgo You have excellent energies for getting ahead in your career or public life this week, as a long-term blockage clears, and progress starts again. Your love life is highlighted with new relationships beginning to become more serious and committed and existing relationships feeling peaceful.
Libra You really need to put things in perspective before making a decision, especially where love and relationships are concerned. Look at what your own needs and priorities are – it may be that you are being a bit unreasonable too. Some quiet time will help to clear your mind and relax.
Scorpio Taking the time to talk things over and clear the air will pay off big time in your love life. For singles, ignore looks and concentrate instead on how well you can communicate together and whether you have the same values. Work will be challenging and full of pressure at times.
Sagittarius A great week for doing active and productive things with the one you love. Now is not time for sitting around being soppy together – it is time for achieving far more with others than you can do on your own. Money matters are positive just be careful of deception or manipulation.
Capricorn There is a strong need for you to communicate clearly and honestly with others this week. First you need to know what it is you really want and that could be a problem, especially where your heart is concerned. All of your career and work matters are looking very positive.
Aquarius The focus for this week is on character, stamina, courage, and self-discipline. You may feel tested by people or events at times, but you will come through with your head held high if you stay focused on what is important to you. Check all financial statements carefully as you may be overcharged.
Pisces A great week for meeting new people and expanding your social circle of friends. A new group or organisation is likely to bring happiness to some, while a new friend or reconnecting with an old friend you lost touch with, will boost your confidence and create positive energy.
I hope you find enjoy this week’s horoscope insightful. If you would like a psychic or astrology reading, I offer accurate email psychic and astrology readings which give insight and guidance to empower and support you. I have over 30 years' experience helping people make positive choices, heal, be strong and lead happier, more fulfilling lives. Please go to www.stargold.com.au for more information or to book and pay
I would also like to invite you to join my Member’s Community. When you sign up you will receive a link to my private community online group and a welcome bundle comprising a 20-page e-book with tips to enhance your psychic potential and a relaxation audio immediately. From then on you will receive weekly horoscopes, monthly psychic articles, and my exclusive Members Community Newsletter direct to your inbox. Completely free and no spam. Go to www.stargold.com.au/mailinglist-landing-page
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