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Aries The New Moon and Eclipse in your relationship zone on Sunday may bring a problem which has been simmering under the surface to a head. Once the initial drama is done with you will both be able to move forwards and heal. Venus brings happy vibes to your workplace after Monday.
Taurus Your day-to-day life and routine may undergo some changes this week as the New Moon and Eclipse on Sunday brings a major boost of energy to your working zone. Mars enters your relationship zone on Thursday – possibly bringing some friction and irritation between you and loved ones.
Gemini The New Moon and eclipse on Sunday is happening in your luck and romance zone, so things could become quite exciting for you – especially if you are single and looking for love! Venus enters your home zone on Monday – making this a fantastic time for entertaining in your home or garden.
Cancer This Sunday’s New Moon and eclipse is happening in your zone of beginnings and endings, making this a very powerful week for starting new phases in your life and for closing the door on the past. You have fantastic energies for money and abundance, just be practical with what you have.
Leo You may be feeling a bit more serious and reflective this week and won’t feel as much like being around people as usual. This is just a passing phase and necessary for you to recharge your batteries. The New Moon and Eclipse in your communication zone makes Sunday a great time for clearing the air.
Virgo A good week for you financially especially if you are looking for a loan or investment opportunity. You have Venus moving into your sign on Monday, attracting good energy and the New Moon and Eclipse in your unearned and shared money zone. This may mean money luck through your partner.
Libra The New Moon and Eclipse in your sign on Sunday will allow you to break free from the past problems and reap the rewards of the positive things that have happened. Thursday may bring some friction with others, especially family members who are getting under your skin. Try to be patient.
Scorpio You may have some unsettling or predictive dreams this week, as your subconscious tries to tell you something. The New Moon and Eclipse on Sunday may bring some enlightenment to this issue and more. Your friendship zone is under some very happy stars at the moment so enjoy.
Sagittarius The New Moon and eclipse on Sunday in your friends, future and wishes zone will bring the chance for new possibilities and choices to make. This may be quite exciting or stressful. There are great energies for being determined and having the strength to get what you want.
Capricorn For some this New Moon and eclipse will see major progress in their chosen career, or alternatively walking away to do something else completely different. Pluto moving direct in your sign encourages you to let go and move onto a better and brighter future without old baggage and hurt.
Aquarius Venus moving into your intimacy zone on Monday will bring passionate, romantic moments this week. Spending quality time alone with your loved one will create many special memories. The New Moon on Sunday may bring a dose of itchy feet for those who love to travel and explore.
Pisces Things become passionate for you this weekend as the New Moon and eclipse sizzle in your intimacy zone on Sunday. Long term relationships and marriages may go through some change or transformations, but these will be positive and likely to re-ignite the spark between you.
I hope you enjoy this week’s horoscope. If you would like a psychic or astrology reading, I offer accurate email psychic and astrology readings which give insight and guidance to empower and support you. I have over 30 years' experience helping people make positive choices, heal, be strong and lead happier, more fulfilling lives. Please go to for more information or to book and pay
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